CE Classics

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We offer Common Entrance (CE) classics examinations at 13+, as well as scholarship exams (CASE) at 13+. Our Classics specification comprises Latin, Classical Greek, and Classical Civilisation, and is designed by a team of setters made up of experienced Heads of Department from both prep and senior schools and approved by ISEB’s Academic Committee for Languages.

Latin for CE & CASE at 13+

We offer both Common Entrance and the Common Academic Scholarship Examination in Latin at 13+. Our Latin specification is offered at levels 1, 2 and 3, and is designed by a team of setters made up of experienced Heads of Department from both prep and senior schools, and approved by ISEB’s Academic Committee for Languages.

Our Latin syllabus is intended to meet the needs of those candidates who may have only a limited exposure to Latin, as well as of those who have reached a more advanced stage. The syllabus aims to promote a firm understanding of the essentials of the Latin or Classical Greek language; as well as developing the pupils’ interest in the Greek and Roman worlds.

Level 1 is aimed at candidates who have studied Latin for 1 to 2 years, Level 2 is for candidates who have studied for 2 to 3 years, and Level 3 is for candidates who have greater depth of learning. Please see the Classics specification for more details.

We advise prep schools to liaise with senior schools about the levels at which candidates should sit the exam. They should also ensure that candidates are registered for the right level on our website, so that the correct exam papers are sent to schools.

Classical Greek for CE at 13+

We offer Common Entrance Classical Greek examinations at 13+ only. Our Classical Greek specification is offered at two levels, to encourage candidates who have had limited exposure to Classical Greek and challenge those who have reached a more advanced stage. Our Classical Greek specification is designed by a team of setters made up of experienced Heads of Department from both prep and senior schools and approved by ISEB’s Academic Committee for Languages.

Our Classical Greek syllabus aims to promote a firm understanding of the essentials of the Latin or Classical Greek language; as well as developing the pupils’ interest in the Greek and Roman worlds.

Level 1 is aimed at candidates who have studied the language for 1 to 2 years, and Level 2 is for candidates who have studied for 2 to 3 years. Please see the Classics specification for more details.

We advise prep schools to liaise with senior schools about the levels at which candidates should sit the exam. They should also ensure that candidates are registered for the right level on our website, so that the correct exam papers are sent to schools.

Classical Civilisation for CE at 13+

We offer Common Entrance Classical Civilisation examinations at 13+ level only. The paper may be taken in addition to Latin, or by those who have an interest in the subject but who are not taking Latin.

The paper is designed as an attractive option for those who are interested in the rich civilisation of the Greeks and the Romans and their colourful mythology. Candidates taking Common Entrance Classical Civilisation at 13+ will sit one paper, divided into three sections. Please see the Classics specification for more details.

The Classical Civilisation is a separate paper with a generic mark scheme.


New Classics CE/CASE Specification (for first teaching from September 2021)

PDF 1.95 MB

Specimen Latin Level 1

PDF 400.16 KB

Specimen Latin Level 2

PDF 191.86 KB

Specimen Latin Level 3

PDF 194.72 KB

Specimen Latin Level 1, 2 and 3 Mark Scheme

PDF 264.04 KB

Specimen Greek Level 1 and 2

PDF 433.13 KB

Specimen Greek Level 1 and 2 Mark Scheme

PDF 368.84 KB

Specimen Classical Civilisation

PDF 632.63 KB

Specimen Classical Civilisation Mark Scheme

PDF 124.27 KB

CPD: Classics CE at 13+ Twilight Session (2021)

PDF 719.58 KB


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