ISEB Pre-Tests I Senior School Onboarding Form

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The ISEB Pre-Tests at 11+

Robust shared online tests for schools that take admissions and pupil wellbeing seriously.

Thank you for your interest in the ISEB Pre-Tests, the adaptive, shared test used by the UK’s leading independent senior schools.

The ISEB Pre-Tests have been developed in partnership with data scientists and educational psychologists and have undergone comprehensive piloting and testing. They are continually reviewed and quality-assured to ensure your school can stand by the data gained on prospective pupils’ attainment and potential.

If your senior school would like to find out more about the leading 11+ assessment from the exam board of the independent sector, please contact Sophie Crawley;


New Senior Schools I Onboarding Process

If your senior school has signed up to use the ISEB Pre-Tests as part of your admissions process, please complete the onboarding form below.

This will ensure ISEB can create all required school accounts and provide the appropriate information and guidance throughout the introduction of the Pre-Tests.

If you have any questions when completing this form, please contact ISEB.

ISEB Pre-Tests Senior School Onboarding Form

This form should be completed by senior schools that have signed up to use the ISEB Pre-Tests as part of their admissions process. ISEB encourage schools to complete this form in full at their earliest convenience to ensure a smooth transition and onboarding process.

General Information

School Name(Required)
School Address(Required)
Lead Contact for Pre-Tests(Required)
This will be provided to you by ISEB and is unique for your school. Please contact ISEB if you are unsure, email

Finance Information

Once applicants have sat their ISEB Pre-Test their results will become available to you in your Senior School Portal, and this will also trigger our system to generate an invoice. We use XERO as our finance system and invoices will be sent from ‘’ and as such, we would recommend adding this to the schools’ safe senders list. Invoices will largely depend on when applicants take the tests, but you can expect, at most, fortnightly invoices listing the relevant candidates.
Finance Contact Name(Required)

Senior School Portal

The Pre-Tests Senior School Portal is where you will manage your school's applicants and gain access to test results. Parents/guardians will be required to share their child's unique Applicant ID with your school to ensure you can view all candidates in your portal. To set up your Senior School Portal account please provide a main admin email address alongside any additional individual email addresses for members of staff who require access.
We recommend a school inbox rather than a staff email here.
User Account: Name(Required)
User Account: Name
User Account: Name
User Account: Name
User Account: Name

Essential Communication

This section is for us to obtain details of who you would like to receive essential communications regarding the ISEB Pre-Tests. These contacts will be added to the Pre-Tests Senior School Mailing List. By filling in the details below you give us the permission to send essential information about the Pre-Tests and other relevant ISEB products and services.
I consent to receive essential information(Required)
Each person below gives permission to receive essential information about the Pre-Tests and other relevant ISEB products and services.
Are happy for us to(Required)
Acting as an invigilation centre

ISEB recommends that a pupil sit the ISEB Pre-Tests at their current prep/ junior/ primary school wherever possible. If this is not possible, many senior schools that use the Pre-Tests as part of their admissions process can act as an invigilation centre for their prospective pupils.

If your senior school would like to register as an invigilation centre for the ISEB Pre-Tests, please complete the Invigilation Centre Registration Form. If your school currently works with a third-party educational or governmental organisation for invigilation services in the UK or internationally, please ask them to also complete the Invigilation Centre Registration Form.

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