Common Entrance, iPQ, Schools 9 March 2023

Changes to CE, CASE and iPQ NOW LIVE

Registration forms for Common Entrance (CE), Common Academic Scholarship (CASE) and the ISEB Project Qualification (iPQ), have been launched this week. 

Prep schools can now download and complete their Candidate Registration Upload Template spreadsheets, save these as a .CSV(comma-delimited) and submit them through the registration form accessed via the Schools Hub

Read our support article on how to populate the new Candidate Registration Upload Template spreadsheets, and prepare them for upload via the new online registration forms.

Schools will no longer register candidates through the ISEB Registration Website ( but through their ISEB School Account.

Registration areas for each qualification are listed below and can be accessed via the Examination & Registration section of the website. Users must be logged into their ISEB School Account to access these forms.

Register candidates for Common Entrance (CE) 

Register candidates for Common Academic Scholarship (CASE)

Register candidates for the ISEB Project Qualification (iPQ)

Senior schools will also have access to a new candidate dashboard providing information regarding all candidates that have been registered for marking by their school. We know many prep schools have completed these spreadsheets and anticipate the corresponding senior school dashboards to be populated very quickly. 

Additional support and guidance is available through the new CE Support Hub.

Explore the CE and CASE Knowledge Base. 

Submit a CE or CASE ticket. 

The changes do not impact the registration processes for the Common Pre-Tests (CPT), which remain the same with parents and guardians continuing to register their children for CPT via the new Guardian Portal. 

To find out more about the new registration system for schools, visit

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