Common Pre-Tests, Events, Schools 14 June 2023

ISEB Celebrates Innovative Assessment Practice with Inaugural ‘Dare to Digital’ Event

Working in partnership with leading independent schools, ISEB hosted two inaugural events promoting and encouraging discussion regarding digital assessment practices, the impact of AI in teaching and learning, and how adaptive, on-demand testing can enhance pupil wellbeing. 

The first event, hosted at the Dragon, Oxford, welcomed teacher and author of Dataproof Your School, Richard Selfridge, Head of External Affairs at the UK’s largest exam board, AQA, Reza Schwitzer, and Director of Admissions for Wellington College, Ed Venables, alongside ISEB CEO, Julia Martin. Delegates gained invaluable insight into the role of technology within the classroom, the risks and rewards of AI, opportunities for future assessment development and delivery and discussion regarding the importance and value of project-based qualifications such as the EPQ and iPQ.  

Emma Goldsmith, Head of Dragon School, added, “ISEB brought together a fascinating range of speakers to prick the interest of registrars and heads. It is great to have ISEB at the forefront of the discussion of the future of assessment in an increasingly digitalised world.”

The second event, hosted at Charterhouse, Guildford, welcomed representatives from AQA, Alex Scharaschkin, Executive Director of Assessment Research and Innovation, alongside Director of Admissions at Wellington College, Ed Venables, and Mark House, Senior Product Manager at RM Assessment. Attendees explored topics including comparative judgement and the methods for assessing challenging disciplines, such as creative writing, data correlations between the ISEB Common Pre-Tests and GCE exams and the positive impact of a shared, academically-rigorous admissions test for pupil wellbeing and engagement.

Dr Alex Peterken, Head of Charterhouse said, “The Dare to Digital event hosted at Charterhouse was an immensely enjoyable and informative opportunity for leading local independent schools to discuss the benefits and opportunities afforded through digital, innovative assessments. I was impressed by the breadth and depth of discussion and thank the guest speakers from AQA and RM for their insightful and thought provoking presentations. I look forward to future events.”

For over 120 years, ISEB has supported independent schools in administering effective, valid and robust entrance assessments, working in partnership to ensure pupils find value in their admissions process and, thus, their senior education. As the Common Entrance (CE) exams celebrate 120 years this Autumn, ISEB will continue to provide opportunities for collaboration and discussion around topics of importance in modern assessment circles, drawing on our heritage and experience navigating change developed over the last century.

Contact ISEB for more information. 

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