

The ISEB Pre-Tests (11+) are online, age-standardised tests taken in Year 6 or 7 as part of the entry process to senior schools. The tests are popular amongst schools as they adeptly identify pupils’ aptitude through Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, and attainment through Maths and English. Children only need to take the tests once and their results can be shared with any senior schools that they have applied to, meaning that your child will miss fewer lessons, with teaching and learning time prioritised over test time. The aim of the tests is to demonstrate your child’s potential, rather than their current knowledge.

How is your child registered for the ISEB Pre-Tests?

Parents and guardians register their children for the ISEB Pre-Tests, via the Guardian Portal.

Parent/guardian registration is:

  • Free: there is no charge to parents/guardians for registering children for the ISEB Pre-Tests.
  • Simple: registration is completed through an easy-to-use online admissions platform (the ISEB Guardian Portal).
  • Quick: you only need to register your child for the test once, no matter how many different senior schools they are applying for.
  • Editable: you may return to the Guardian Portal to add to or amend your child’s registration.

There are lots of ways you can support your child with test preparation, such as through games and activities at home, and helpful resources. It is a good idea to give more time to the sections that they find challenging, which their teachers will be able to identify for you.

This resource provides a series of tips and ideas for how you can support your child at home, including some from teachers and educational experts. It also includes recommendations for resources such as free or affordable games and apps you could use with your child. For further ideas and information about the ISEB Pre-Tests visit our Families Hub.

What about test practice apps and platforms?

Bond Online Premium Plus is the only test practice platform endorsed by ISEB.

Many products claim to offer the best way to prepare for ISEB’s Pre-Tests. These products often claim to provide an authentic experience, questions and mock tests that closely align to the Pre-Tests. In all but one case (Bond Online Premium Plus), ISEB has not worked with these companies, and has not supplied any questions, items or information about our test player to them.

If you decide that using a test prep platform is right for your family, ISEB only endorses Bond Online Premium Plus. This is because it is the only platform that contains thousands of questions provided by ISEB. Parents and guardians can support their child through the Guardian Dashboard and assign mock tests to assess current knowledge and identify areas for improvement.

English and Verbal Reasoning

For the English and Verbal Reasoning tests, English teacher Adam Bernard and Verbal Reasoning expert Chris Pearse stress the importance of building vocabulary. They suggest:

  • Reading to your children and encouraging them to read to you. Ensure that you show interest in their reading (regardless of the text!) and find time to discuss their thoughts and questions afterwards.
  • Using books to create word lists. For example, ask your child how many compound words they can find in a book, or if they can find a specific letter string like -ight or -ment.
  • Using audiobooks at bedtime or in the car.
  • Generating conversations at dinner time. Adam says parents should ‘try to get children to engage verbally and articulate ideas, as spoken word can often impact written speech’.
  • Encouraging repetition. ‘The key to building vocabulary is putting words into context’ says Chris. Researchers estimate it could take as many as 17 repetitions for pupils to learn a new word. Flashcards can be a really useful way to store vocabulary and a powerful learning tool.
  • Sticking colourful post-it notes around the house with key terminology written on them. Points systems work well; for example one point for simpler vocabulary and two points for more challenging terminology. Once a child has a certain number of points they can trade them for prizes, offering a clear incentive whilst increasing the fun around learning.
  • Making time for family game nights with any word-based games such as Boggle, Scrabble, Word-Up, Bananagrams or Articulate.

Non-verbal reasoning

For the Non-Verbal Reasoning test, Chris suggests:

  • Playing SET as a family, in order to learn the key things to look for when answering a question (shape, position, angle, number, size,
    shading, rotation, overlapping, symmetry).
  • Playing Spot the Difference can help pupils recognise shapes and different positions as well as the shading, number, and the change in size of objects. Many NVR questions involve spotting differences and similarities between shapes.
  • Discussing possible answers to make sure your child can articulate how they have achieved an answer.
  • Playing with LEGO, Meccano, or Laser Pegs which are all great for improving spatial awareness.
  • Playing games such as Q-Bitz which work well for rotation, symmetry, and visualisation skills.


The ISEB Maths test is based on the National Curriculum Programme of Study, up to the end of Year 5. Your child will cover the topics included in the test at their current school. Some children find maths tests quite daunting, however they will be allowed a pen and paper during the test to jot down any calculations or notes that they want to make. This working paper is not marked.

Sometimes in maths tests, pupils make mistakes because they haven’t read the question properly or have used the wrong operation. Reading the question carefully is very important. Supporting your child in learning their times tables is also a good way to help them become more confident.





Visit our Families Hub to access an ever-growing range of exam support and guidance.

Tips for test day

Chris suggests that as parents/guardians you:

  • Make sure that your child eats a good breakfast on exam day. Do not encourage last-minute exam practice, as this may cause panic and stress if your child doesn’t remember something.
  • Be positive and promote the tests as an opportunity for your child to show off their learning.
  • Leave for the exam in good time in order to keep stress levels down.

You can find more tips, tricks and guidance on managing your child’s wellbeing on the day of their tests in the ISEB Parent Power Toolkit.

Bond Online Premium Plus

Bond Online Premium Plus is the only test preparation platform that includes questions developed and endorsed by ISEB, utilising CENTURY’s award-winning AI technology.

Bond Online Premium Plus provides the most up-to-date and accurate topics and content designed to support your child preparing for the ISEB Pre-Tests.

Try it FREE for 7 days, visit:

ISEB Parent Power Toolkit

Creating a clear, organised, and comfortable study area for your child is key for both wellbeing and motivation. Try to make revising fun – using flash cards and games can help keep it exciting. Make sure your child is taking breaks to enjoy other activities and to keep energy levels up. Avoid any pressure – try to focus your child to doing their best.

The Parent Power Toolkit has been designed to give agency to parents and guardians, ensuring they have the strategies and knowledge to prioritise their child’s mental health and wellbeing during stressful periods. Material has been developed to be flexible and easy to integrate into busy family life, prioritising a healthy balance between revision and relaxation.

Find out more about Part 1: Laying the Foundations and Part 2: Sustainable Revision now.

ISEB Pre-Tests Walkthrough

ISEB recommends pupils use the free ISEB Test Walkthrough to familiarise themselves with the test platform, explore the accessibility features, and see the styles of questions that might be asked during the test.

You will be able to:
• Find out more about the test on the instructions page.
• Explore the best setup for your page with the accessibility features.
• See the style of questions that might be asked.
• Familiarise yourself with how to select the correct answer. Go to the ISEB Test Walkthrough.


Visit the ISEB Families Hub to access an ever-growing resource of information, support and guidance for families. For specific information about the ISEB Pre-Tests, visit the ISEB Pre-Tests Information for families page on our website, where you will find exam resources, information and FAQs, as well as important news and updates.


ISEB Pre-Tests: Preparation

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