
Tips for parents: what should I do before test day?

Tips for parents: what should I do before test day?

We all know that it’s possible to feel nervous before a big test. As a parent, you can feel doubly anxious: worried about your child’s performance, and concerned with how best to prepare them on the day of the test. We have compiled a list of our most effective and practical tips for managing your child’s nerves (and your own) before test day, using resources from the ISEB Parent Power Toolkit – Part 3: Preparation, developed by ISEB and Dr Kathy Weston of Tooled Up Education.

Prepare for success and failure.

One of the best things for anxiety is action. That is why we recommend sitting down with your child a few months before the exam to prepare plans for each different outcome, or, Plans A, B, and C.

Plan A might be: ‘We do well, pass the test and get into our first-choice school’.

Plan B may be: ‘We don’t pass, but we make a plan with a second-choice school’.

Plan C might be: ‘We don’t pass, but we have these other great options anyway…’.

The point of this exercise is to ensure your child knows that whatever happens, they have good choices and a reassuring contingency plan for each outcome. The world won’t end, and next steps will have already been considered and talked about.

The night before.

You may be surprised by this tip: avoid any last-minute revision sessions. Encouraging your child to cram the night before may overwhelm them and increase their anxiety around the test. We suggest that you do not even mention the exam the day before and focus instead on being calm and matter-of-fact and allowing your child to do things that relax them. At this point, they know all they need to know for the test.

Make sure their school bag and pencil case, along with any materials they need for the exam, is ready by the door. Set your alarm a little earlier than normal, so you can wake up and ensure everything is ready, and allow yourself to relax too.

In the morning.

The keyword is ‘calm’. Your child will take their cues from you, so we encourage you to try to be as calm and happy as possible while enjoying breakfast with your child. You can listen to something they find calming or funny in the car on the way to the test.

We advise against asking your child to revise on the morning of the test, as this may make them anxious and worry that they are unprepared.

Keep things simple when saying goodbye, such as, “Try your very best today, and I will see you later”. Sometimes, wishing them luck or getting them to talk in the car on the way to school can be anxiety-inducing, but you are the best judge! 

At pick up.

When collecting your child after their test, we suggest that you try not to ask too many questions and instead allow them to relax. If they mention something about the exam or a worry they have about their performance, make sure you keep calm.

You can tell your child positive, straightforward things like, “I am sure you did your best” and “I am so proud of all the work you did.” 

Now, all you need to do is wait until results day, and ensure that your child feels loved and supported. 

Explore ‘Part 3: Preparation’ of our Parent Power Toolkit for more practical tips on managing your child’s and your own well-being during test season, including resources on what to do on results day.


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