

The ISEB Pre-Tests: information for parents/guardians

What are they?

The ISEB Pre-Tests (11+) provide a set of four online entrance assessments that a wide range of senior schools accept, allowing pupils to sit the tests once and have their results shared with all of the senior schools they have applied to.

Senior schools are able to compare results from all of their applicants, no matter where or when they sat the tests, as they are ‘common’ to all pupils.

The results are standardised against a sample of pupils applying for independent school admission, giving consistency across each cohort of pupils.

What do I need to do?

Registration information for 2024-25

As the parent/guardian you will be required to register your child for the ISEB Pre-Tests through the new ISEB Guardian Portal. If your child will be taking the tests between October 2024 and June 2025, you will be able to register them from 10 June 2024.

Parent/guardian registration is:

  • Free: there will be no charge to parents/guardians for registering children for the new ISEB Pre-Tests
  • Simple: registration will be completed through an easy-to-use Guardian Portal
  • Quick: you will only need to register your child for the test once, no matter how many different schools they are applying to
  • Editable: you may return to the admissions portal to add to or amend your child’s registration

What information will I need?

Personal information (the applicant):

  • Legal First Name, Middle Name, Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Current School
  • Your relationship to the applicant

Other information

  • Invigilation centre
  • SEND status
  • EAL status

What if I have any questions?

We recommend that you join our mailing list to keep up to date, but we are always here for any queries drop us a line at pretests@iseb.co.uk.


ISEB Pre-Tests Practice

Bond Online Premium Plus

Bond Online Premium Plus is the only test preparation platform that includes questions developed and endorsed by ISEB, utilising CENTURY’s award-winning AI technology.

Bond Online Premium Plus provides the most up-to-date and accurate topics and content designed to support your child preparing for the ISEB Pre-Tests.

Try it FREE for 7 days, visit: century.tech/bond


The ISEB Pre-Tests Walkthrough

ISEB recommends pupils use the free ISEB Test Walkthrough to familiarise themselves with the test platform, explore the accessibility features, and see the styles of questions that might be asked during the test.

You will be able to:
• Find out more about the test on the instructions page.
• Explore the best setup for your page with the accessibility features.
• See the style of questions that might be asked.
• Familiarise yourself with how to select the correct answer. Go to the ISEB Test Walkthrough.

Join our Mailing List

    Join our mailing list to get important Pre-Tests updates for parents and guardians.


    Explore Bond Online Premium Plus, the only ISEB-endorsed Pre-Tests practice platform.


    Prepare for admissions interviews with ISEB and Oppidan Education. Access free resources including a video masterclass series.
