Apply to take part in the ISEB and IAPS Time to Write shortlisting round

Register to take part as a shortlisting judge

ISEB and IAPS Time to Write - shortlising judge application form

Please complete this form if you would like to take part in the shortlisting of the ISEB and IAPS Time to Write competition as a judge on the RM Compare platform. If you have any questions please contact us at

Your role:(Required)
Please provide a brief outline of why you would like to take part in the shortlising round.
Have you taken part in an Adaptive Comparative Judgement session before?(Required)
Your availability:(Required)
The Time to Write 2025 shortlisting round will take place from 7 February to 23 February 2025. Please confirm your availability during this period.
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Please confirm that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy available here:

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