CE 13+ registration: Parents

Register your child for the Summer 2025 CE 13+ exam session

Your child will most likely be registered for Common Entrance (CE) exams by their current independent prep or junior school. However, if your child’s current school does not use CE, or your child currently attends a state school, you may need to register them with ISEB directly.

Please ensure that you have checked whether your child’s current school intends to register your child for the Summer 2025 exam session to avoid duplicate registrations. The senior school to which your child is applying can also advise whether you need to complete this form or not.

Register your child for the CE 13+ Summer 2025 exam session

To register your child, please complete the online form below. You will be asked to provide information about where your child will be taking the test so please ensure that you have made arrangements with a test centre. If you have any questions about the process you can contact ISEB through our CE Support Portal.

Please note: This is not the registration process for the ISEB Pre-Tests. If you need to register your child for the online ISEB Pre-Tests, you need to go to the Pre-Tests Guardian Portal and create an account. This is where you can register your child for the ISEB Pre-Tests. Registering for the Pre-Tests is free.  Visit the ISEB Pre-Tests Guardian Portal.

Online registration for CE 13+ Summer 2025 - for parents and guardians

Parent/Guardian Registration for CE at 13+ Summer 2025

This form is for parents and guardians registering candidates for the CE at 13+ Summer 2025 examination session.

Parent/Guardian details

Your name:(Required)

Candidate details

Candidate's name(Required)
Please check spelling and capitalisation carefully.
If different from candidate's first and last name above.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
This is the first choice school your child is applying to. Please enter the school's name in full.
Please enter the town/city in which the senior school is located.

Exam centre/school details

Please provide the details of the exam centre or school at which your child will sit the exams. You must have already agreed that your child can take the exams at this test centre before completing this form.
Please enter the school's name in full. Prior agreement must be sought before submitting this form).
Contact name at exam centre/school(Required)
Address of exam centre/school(Required)
Please be accurate as this is where ISEB will send the exam papers.
I confirm that I have agreed that my child can take the exams at this exam centre/school already.(Required)

CE at 13+ Summer 2025 Subject Options

Please select the subject options you are registering your child for using the drop-down options below. If your child is not sitting any of the subjects below, enter 'not sitting'


I confirm that the candidate declared is below the age of 16 years old and I am hereby consenting on his/her behalf that ISEB Limited can process their personal data for the purpose of registering for an examination. I am aware of and agree to ISEB's Privacy Policy which can be found here: https://www.iseb.co.uk/privacy/.
I confirm consent and agree to ISEB's Privacy Policy.(Required)

Fees and payment

Fees, including packing and carriage costs are as follows: Examination to be taken in the United Kingdom, excluding the Channel Islands: £140.00 | Examination to be taken in the European Union, including the Channel Islands: £200.00 | Examination to be taken outside the European Union: £220.00. International payments may incur charges - please ensure that you cover these charges with your payment. Details of payment methods will be provided to you via email after your registration has been reviewed by ISEB.
Payment confirmation(Required)
I confirm that I understand there is a fee for registering my child, and that I will cover the cost of any additional international bank charges.

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