Common Entrance 13+ Science Revision Guide (Paperback)


This comprehensive, ISEB-endorsed revision guide for Science focuses on consolidating knowledge and covering all the skills assessed in the ISEB CE 13+ exam. Key features include:

  • Recap preliminary knowledge: summaries and reminders from the ISEB CE 11+ science specification.
  • Cover learning outcomes: Know (knowledge to be learned and recalled), Understand (application of knowledge to familiar and new concepts) and Recognise (awareness of how the knowledge applies to science and society), as well as recommended practical activities.
  • Develop critical thinking: ‘Ask yourself’ questions appear throughout to prompt recognition and development of scientific attitudes using the knowledge and understanding gained.
  • Prepare for the exam: exam-style questions included at the end of each chapter with three ‘Test yourself’ sections for Biology, Chemistry and Physics with answers provided for all questions.

This test preparation book is endorsed by ISEB. Purchase via the Waterstones website by clicking “view product”.