Families, Shop 17 February 2025

Random Act of Kindness Day 2025

What better way to start the week? We at ISEB are celebrating Random Act of Kindness Day with a one-time offer for parents and families to access a free Parent Power Toolkit resource. Register your email on our Random Act of Kindness promotion page to download your A, B, C Plan resource today.

The Parent Power Toolkit is a four-part set of digital resources designed for parents and children by education and parenting expert Dr Kathy Weston of Tooled Up Education. Each ‘Part’ covers an aspect of preparing for a school admissions journey: the foundations of a home learning environment, setting a sustainable revision programme, approaching test preparation effectively, and dealing with outcomes. The resources include PDF worksheets, articles, exercises, and videos for both parents and children.

When approaching an important exam, we often encourage children to ‘do their best’. The aim of the Parent Power Toolkit is to help parents do their best to effectively support their children through their admissions journey, by centring their child’s and their own wellbeing. The A, B, C Plan is an exercise designed to help your family prepare for all possible eventualities of an exam or test by exploring different outcomes and creating a plan for each. Whether your family is preparing for an upcoming exam, or practicing for mock tests, or simply interested in the best way to implement a revision programme at home, take advantage of this opportunity to access evidence-based resources.

Register on our Random Act of Kindness 2025 promotion page to access your A, B, C Plan resource now.

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