Tatler interviews ISEB CEO - the image shows the double page article in Tatler magazine September 2022
other news, iPQ, Julia Martin (CEO), Common Pre-Tests 16 September 2022

Tatler interviews ISEB CEO

Read this month’s Tatler interview to see how ISEB is designing the next generation of assessments to accept, transform and inspire every child.

CEO Julia Martin explains how the research we commissioned and our new partnership with edtech specialists CENTURY Tech is powering the updated online Common Pre-Tests launched this month.

She talks about the passion and drive behind the newly energised ISEB and her plans to shake up the world of assessment to meet the needs of today’s families and schools. She opens up about the new iPQ – the first of our new qualifications that will support children more holistically, and discusses how consideration for every child’s wellbeing is at the core of the new ISEB.



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